High Fire Glaze Recipes (Cone 8 – 12)

High firing often produces the most vitreous and durable ceramic work and many potters and ceramic artists choose to high fire for this reason. Most artists that fire to this range mix their own glazes. We’ve collected over 450 high-fire glaze recipes, and are adding more all the time. Many of these recipes come from master artists in the field, or are revisions and adaptations of classic glazes.

There are basic recipes for clear, transparent colored glazes, and opaque glazes that you can experiment with, and adapt to your own needs. There are also many variations of glazes within different glaze types or glaze families, like celadon, chun, tenmoku/temmoku, oil spot, teadust, copper red, tomato or ketchup red, shino, crystalline, and more. Recipes will note whether they work best in oxidation, reduction, wood, or salt/soda firing atmospheres. In addition to mixing up tests based on the type of kiln you have access to, try mixing up test batches of a few recipes that you’re interested in that may be best suited for a different kiln or atmosphere. Even though they’re likely to differ from what you see in the tile here, you might be pleasantly surprised by the results