Ceramics Monthly Articles (Simple)

  • Clay Culture: Greener Silica
    Earlier this year, American Ceramic Society (ACerS) member Richard Laine, a professor of materials science and engineering at the University of Michigan, published research that pioneers a new approac
  • Tips and Tools: Bubble Glazing
    Potters are constantly looking for creative, inventive techniques; the latest one I’ve been experimenting with is bubble glazing. I was shown this technique by a skilled artist named, Robert Crisp who
  • Pursuing an Honest Pot
    “A good honest pot.” What does that mean? I imagine it to mean unembellished, straightforward, and functional. I also like to think it means thoughtful and designed with care and the wisdom of experie
  • From Policing to Potting
    I became serious about clay at age 21 when I learned to throw at an evening class. I loved the wheel as a tool for making and had found a satisfying hobby I could continue indefinitely.
  • Fabric to Clay
    Twelve years ago, I started making pots. I never imagined that a few years later, I would be running my own small business in ceramics. Before pottery, I had worked in retail buying, having studied te
  • Clay Culture: London Blue
    English Heritage is a London-based organization that oversees more than 400 historical buildings, monuments, and heritage sites in the United Kingdom, including such extraordinary sites such as Stoneh
  • Pamela Sunday: A Repurposed Career
    The handbuilt sculptures of New York ceramic artist Pamela Sunday are admired around the world, but there was a time when she had never considered ceramics art as a viable career. After a decade of su
  • Masayuki Miyajima: Innovation from Tradition
    Innovation in art, as in all practices, may be perceptible only against the backdrop of convention, but convention need not be synonymous with the status quo: a current state of thought or practices a
  • Studio Visit: Kaitlan Murphy, Revelstoke, British Columbia, Canada
    My home town, Revelstoke, British Columbia, is a working class/ski community six hours east of Vancouver on the Trans-Canada Highway. This highway skirts the edge of town and boasts 30,000 cars a day
  • Reinventing One's Self
    I took my first pottery classes in middle school, and really fell in love with it as a dyslexic, uncoordinated kid who was asked to mouth the words in chorus. I’d never been good at anything in school
  • Bomb It
    Jeff Schwarz’s sculptural vessels are the result of a delicate conceptual balancing act. Lying midway between popular culture and fine art, between functional and sculptural ceramics, his work bears a
  • Techno File: Freeze Thaw Myth
    Back in the 1990s I had a small ceramics business that specialized in tile, fountains, lamps, and other decorative indoor and outdoor wares. Early in my career I submitted a proposal for a large tile
  • Core Connections: Korean Ceramics
    “Core Connections: Korean Ceramics” at Lacoste Gallery (www.lacostegallery.com), in Concord, Massachusetts, included works selected by ceramic artist Sunkoo Yuh. By selecting the work of his instructo
  • From the Editor: November 2016
    Associate Editor Holly Goring and I had the opportunity to attend the Utilitarian Clay VII (UCVII) symposium at Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, right before we sent this
  • Exposure: November 2016
    Images from Current and Upcoming Exhibitions.
  • Spotlight: November 2016
    I worked as a lawyer for almost six years at a couple of large law firms in New York City, and while the work was intellectually challenging and my colleagues were comfortably collegial, I felt someth
  • Recycled China
    Mountains of discarded porcelain. Labor as material. Recycling as a natural resource. These are just a few phrases that Recycled China co-founders Jeffrey Miller and Thomas Schmidt commonly employ whe
  • From the Editor
    I first saw the work of Recycled China (Jeffrey Miller and Thomas Schmidt) in person at the 8th Gyeonggi International Ceramics Biennale’s competition exhibition in Icheon, South Korea. I was complete
  • Exposure: October 2016
    Images from Current and Upcoming Exhibitions