Ceramics Monthly Articles (Simple)

  • Quick Tip: Reconstituting Clay
    Throwing with excessively firm clay is uncomfortable and rarely produces the best results. Thankfully, with a little time and water, you can rehydrate the clay quite effectively.
  • From the Editor: December 2022
    In this issue, we feature artists making utilitarian and sculptural vessel work that they design to function in specific ways.
  • Spotlight: Evoking Emotions
    Mesut Öztürk applies a formal background in architecture to an active ceramics practice to share feelings of sublimity and curiosity.
  • Call for Entries: November 2022
    Information on submitting work for exhibitions, fairs, and festivals.
  • Recipes: Soda-Fired Surfaces
    Gay Smith and Paul Wisotzky share glaze and flashing slip recipes that produce great results in soda firings.
  • Recipes: Flashing Slips
    Flashing slips are sensitive to atmospheric changes in the kiln, and the exposure to flame, reduction, and added fluxes creates unique coloration, patterning, and texture on the slipped surfaces.
  • Tips and Tools: Firing Schedules
    Demystify different types of atmospheric firings with the charts and advice shared in this informative excerpt.
  • Techno File: Testing Clay Bodies
    It’s important to continuously test your clay body to understand its different attributes and abilities. Testing will let you know how far you can push your clay and when to look for something more suitable.
  • Review: Constructed Landscapes
    Presented at Blue Line Arts in Roseville, California, “Constructed Landscapes” showcased the work of women ceramic artists who skillfully converge clay and technology to comment on place.
  • Soda-Fired Surfaces
    Ian Bassett shares how, after refining the aesthetic he wanted to achieve, he experimented with different clays, application techniques for flashing slips, and procedures for adding soda to the kiln.
  • Stephanie Marie Roos’ Restless Surfaces
    Emotive stoneware figures are the means through which Stephanie Marie Roos expresses complex stories of connection.
  • Brian Peters: Digitally Crafted Clay
    An architect interested in 3D printing perfected his tools and techniques for casting modular ceramic blocks. He uses these to create a variety of structures, from tunnels to screens to wall installations.
  • Career Switch: A Life Led Back to Clay
    Chris Riccardo spent his early career using clay as a modeling material for casting sculpture in metal, then moved into arts administration roles.
  • Career Switch: Spending Time Enjoyably
    Lex Feldheim decided to leave her teaching career behind and took a chance on doing something she loved. Studying ceramics led to managing a studio and art center, and finally to opening Kingston Ceramics Studio.
  • Studio Visit: Peter Owen, Huahine, French Polynesia
    After learning to make pottery through an apprenticeship as a teenager, Peter Owen moved from California and built his studio perched over a lagoon on Huahine, French Polynesia.
  • Clay Culture: Restoring Porcelain
    Researchers are finding new ways to restore ancient ceramic artifacts using high-tech ceramic materials and processes.
  • Clay Culture: Soda Symposium
    Two artists who use soda firing in their own practices came together to organize SodaPosium, a new event that is devoted to fostering a community of artists interested in the technique.
  • Exposure: November 2022
    Images from Current and Upcoming Exhibitions.
  • Quick Tip: Incising Tools
    I really needed to figure out a way to draw lines deep enough to expose the red clay through the white slip—and faster than drawing one line at a time.