Julia Galloway: Vessel, Vault, and Sky
🎧 Corwyn Lund: Entrée to Chance
🎧 Liz Pechacek: Line, Labor, Value
Masayuki Miyajima: Innovation from Tradition
Mark Pharis: Geometry of Experience
🎧 Michelle Ettrick: A Living Line
YoonJee Kwak: Capacity for Virtue, Capacity for Breath
Michael Fujita: Units of Labor
Susan Dewsnap: A Story Unfolding
Ceramics in the Expanded Field
Restaurant Wares: Teaching to the Test
🎧 Winnie Owens-Hart: To Never Forget
🎧 Ashlyn Pope: Ties and Bonds
Steve Hansen's Trojan Vessels
Linda Sikora: Aesthetics and Agency
Nick Geankoplis: Preserving Complexity
Neil Forrest: Ships and Voids
Michelle Erickson: Projecting A Hypothetical Future; Reflecting on a Problematic Past
Cary Esser: A Vital Geometry
John Balistreri: By and Large
2015 NCECA Biennial
Karl Borgeson: Chance and Hand
Jun Kaneko: The Surface Figures; The Figure Surfaces
🎧 Sarah Gross: On Fields of Gray
Roberto Lugo: Undermining Indifference
🎧 Ernest Miller: Restraint by Design
Julia Galloway: Vessel, Vault, and Sky
🎧 Corwyn Lund: Entrée to Chance
🎧 Liz Pechacek: Line, Labor, Value
Masayuki Miyajima: Innovation from Tradition
Mark Pharis: Geometry of Experience
🎧 Michelle Ettrick: A Living Line
YoonJee Kwak: Capacity for Virtue, Capacity for Breath
Michael Fujita: Units of Labor
Susan Dewsnap: A Story Unfolding
Ceramics in the Expanded Field
Restaurant Wares: Teaching to the Test
🎧 Winnie Owens-Hart: To Never Forget
🎧 Ashlyn Pope: Ties and Bonds
Steve Hansen's Trojan Vessels
Linda Sikora: Aesthetics and Agency
Nick Geankoplis: Preserving Complexity
Neil Forrest: Ships and Voids
Michelle Erickson: Projecting A Hypothetical Future; Reflecting on a Problematic Past
Cary Esser: A Vital Geometry
John Balistreri: By and Large
2015 NCECA Biennial
Karl Borgeson: Chance and Hand
Jun Kaneko: The Surface Figures; The Figure Surfaces
🎧 Sarah Gross: On Fields of Gray
Roberto Lugo: Undermining Indifference
🎧 Ernest Miller: Restraint by Design