Years ago it never occurred to me that those persistent cracks pestering my porcelain could actually be a good thing. It wasn’t until I delved deeper into Eastern aesthetics that I made a conceptual leap and those previously annoying cracks were reintroduced as an integral element in my pieces, and my fascination with kintsugi was born.

1 Mix a five-minute epoxy, then apply it to the crack with a toothpick. 2 Apply latex frisket around the outside edges of the epoxy, but avoid the epoxy.

3 Apply red gilding primer onto the epoxied area, but not on the frisket. 4 Brush on quick-set gold-leaf size (glue) to the epoxied area. Let dry for 30 minutes.

5 Apply gold leaf to the epoxied, painted areas. I use loose gold leaf. 6 Remove the frisket and any excess gold leaf and paint that stuck to it.

7 A finished repair after burnishing with a small brush. 8 Curtis Benzle’s Vieques, 15 in. (38 cm) in length, handbuilt, colored porcelain, epoxy, gold leaf.

From the Pottery Making Illustrated November/December 2016 issue.