How to Create a Beautiful Lobed Rim on a Wheel Thrown Plate
Forrest Lesch-Middelton demos how to throw and alter ceramic plates!
Forrest Lesch-Middelton
Ceramic plates have to be one of my favorite forms to make. I love the big open canvas for decoration and the fact that they can double as wall art if you so desire. Because ceramic plates are so much fun, though also deceptively challenging, we decided to put together a compilation of ceramic plate-making techniques from several different artists.
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Published Jul 6, 2018
In today's post, I am sharing an excerpt from Platters: Four Approaches to Making and Decorating Plates in which Forrest Lesch-Middelton demonstrates a great way to make a beautiful altered rim on a large ceramic plate. Gorgeous. - Jennifer Poellot Harnetty, editor
This clip was excerpted from Platters: Four Approaches to Making and Decorating Plates
**First published in 2015.
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