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Published May 2, 2019

St. Croix Pottery Tour

Mother's Day is right around the corner, and that means so is the St. Croix Pottery Tour! In its 27th year, the St. Croix Tour is a Minnesota tradition. This year it features the work of 55 accomplished guest potters from around the nation, and one from England! 

Our videographer attended the tour last year, and captured some of the excitement on video. And last summer, we sat down with the host artists and talked about the history of this impressive event! In this week's Artist Q&A, you'll find an overview of the tour from host artist Matt Krousey. Enjoy! - Jennifer Poellot Harnetty, editor


Want to learn more about the St. Croix Pottery Tour? Subscribe to CLAYflicks to watch the entire interview, which is full of great information for those who might be thinking about starting a pottery tour!

Topics: Ceramic Artists