Ceramic Glazes and Underglazes

Getting ceramic surfaces right can be one of the most frustrating aspects of the ceramic process, but it can also be one of the most rewarding once it is mastered. Here we’ve gathered a plethora of articles designed to help you learn how to master working with ceramic glazes and underglazes. From layering commercial ceramic glazes to mixing up your own custom glazes from recipes, to tips on how to apply ceramic glaze, to adding color using underglazes topped with a clear glaze, the posts in this section will be a great source of information and inspiration.

And don’t forget to download your free copy of Getting the Most out of Ceramic Glazes and Underglazes: Using Commercial Ceramic Glazes and Underglazes to Achieve Color, Depth, and Complexity, a perfect resource for potters and ceramic artists who are ready to experiment with commercial ceramic glazes and underglazes or mix up their own custom materials.