Watch this video to see why you should sign up for Mike Griffin's Workshop from Home webinar!

Wednesday, November 13, 2024, from 1–3PM EST USA

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Registration fee: US$44

Register now!

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In this 2-hour presentation, Mike Griffin will demonstrate how he combines various handbuilding techniques to create a covered casserole dish. Mike will share all aspects of his process, from using a plaster or bisque "bowl butt" to make the base, to tweaking the lids for a good fit, to finishing off the form with paper and wax resist designs and terra sigillata!

SKILL LEVEL:  Beginner – Intermediate

Mike will demonstrate how to:
  • Handbuild the base of the casserole using Mike’s “bowl butts"
  • Use coils and slabs to create the walls and lid
  • Create fun and functional handles and lugs to accentuate the form and its usefulness
  • Add texture and surface decoration using paper resist, wax, and terra sigillata!
  • And many other tips and tricks along the way!
Our Workshop from Home webinars are just like in-person workshops, except you are guaranteed a front-row seat! Ask questions throughout, or during the Question & Answer session at the end.