All recipes are displayed as ratios, unless "in parts" is included in the recipe. You can adjust the recipe for larger or smaller batches by adjusting the total below the recipe. For example, for a 10,000-gram batch, put “10,000” in the box. Have more questions? View our help page here or watch a video tutorial here


Ingredient Amount
Barium Carbonate* 2.20
Talc 4.50
Nepheline Syenite 4.50
Ball Clay 18.00
Cedar Heights RedArt 53.00
XX Sagger 9.00
20-mesh-grog 5.00
48-mesh-grog 5.00


I make this clay in a Soldner clay mixer. I begin by wetting down the interior mixer surface, then add all the dry materials and dry mix for 10 minutes. Then, I begin to add approximately 3–5 gallons of water to the drum. I also add slop and trimmings, which affects the amount of water used. This yields 150 pounds of clay when complete.


This recipe was shared by Peter Jadoonath in the December 2024 issue of Ceramics Monthly.