Pier Day-Glo High-Fire glaze Linda Bloomfield

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Published in "Rare-Earth Oxide Glazes" by Linda Bloomfied in the September/October issue of Pottery Making Illustrated. Excerpted from Colour in Glazes by Linda Bloomfield. Recipes and test tiles are by David Pier and originally appeared in Ceramics Monthly, September 2002.
Note: Glazes containing barium carbonate should be restricted to use on surfaces that do not come into contact with food or beverages.
The copper is added to the base glaze as a preservative for the CMC gum. These glazes look best when applied thickly, at least two coats, but watch for running. Allow several hours between coats to avoid saturating the bisque, especially for thin ware. At cone 8, the glaze runs less but it's not as completely transparent as at cone 9.
For different variations of this glaze, try the following: For Pink Lemonade, add: 8.74% Erbium Oxide
For Lime Jell-O, add 7.71% Praseodymium Oxide
For Grape Candy, add 6.17% Neodymium Oxide
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