
Ingredient Amount
Ferro Frit 3110 9.60
Ferro Frit 3124 66.90
OM4 Ball Clay 6.80
Silica 16.70
Add Amount
Bentonite 4.80
Zircopax 9.60


Published in "Clay & Maiolica Glaze" by Liz Quackenbush, in the Jan 2014 issue of Ceramics Monthly.
This glaze needs to be mixed into a very thick solution. Add only enough water to make it the consistency of a melted milkshake. If too thin, it will sink to the bottom of the bucket and harden like a rock! The glaze should be fired to a hot cone 04. The glaze needs to be cooled slowly so I down fire from 1100 degrees F to 400 degrees F, decreasing no faster than 150 degrees F per hour.