The January issue, for me, is always exciting. It’s the beginning of a new volume year of the magazine, and while we adjust and make improvements throughout the year, this issue is the one where it makes the most sense to implement new ideas and
shuffle things just a bit more than usual. —Sherman Hall, Editor.
On the cover: David Hicks' Still Life (vivid), 5 ft. 10 in. (1.8 m.) in height, terra cotta, steel, cable, hardware, 2001. Hicks' work was on view in January and February 2014 at Cross Mackenzie Gallery in Washington DC. For more information on
the show, visit
Transitioning Environments: David Hicks Organically InspiredTransitioning Environments: Del Harrow Investigating Clay as a Cultural and Phenomenological MaterialTransitioning Environments: Nicholas Kripal Sacred Spaces
Leopold Foulem: The Object is also a Sign by Matthew KangasLiz Quackenbush: Beyond Heirarchies by Glen R. Brown
Exposure Clay Culture: Ernabella in Jingdezhen by Heidi McKenzie Studio Visit: Matt Schiemann, St. Petersburg, Florida Residencies and Fellowships 2014 Tips and Tools: Depth and Field by Jim Wylder Techno File: Frits by Dave
Finkelnburg Recipes: Matt Schiemann's Glazes for Wood Firing & Liz Quackenbush's Majolica Glazes Spotlight: A Successful Residency by Jill Oberman