Features in this Issue

Cover: Hanna Lore Hombordy using nails to attach slabs.

In this issue:

Bonsai Planter: Combining Thrown Parts and Rolled Slabs by Ivor Lewis
Bonsai Planter: Combining Thrown Parts and Rolled Slabs by Ivor Lewis
Fire and Smoke: Wabi Sabi Plate Forms by George Sacco
Fire and Smoke: Wabi Sabi Plate Forms by George Sacco
Slip Painting by Tamar Laderman
Slip Painting by Tamar Laderman

Stamps and Roulettes by Vince Pitelka
Stamps and Roulettes by Vince Pitelka
Alters States: Part 2, Making the Creamer by Sumi von Dassow
Alters States: Part 2, Making the Creamer by Sumi von Dassow
Down to Business: Let's Talk About Consignment by Chris Campbell
Down to Business: Let's Talk About Consignment by Chris Campbell

Making Plaster Bats by Don Adamaitis
Making Plaster Bats by Don Adamaitis
Making Cones by Tim Frederich
Making Cones by Tim Frederich

Building with Nails by Hanna Lore Hombordy

Clay Links: Search for Glass by Barbara Coultry

Off the Shelf: Extruder Books by Sumi von Dassow

The Budget Potter: Glaze Whisk by Sylvia Shirley