Features in this Issue

Cover: Kristin Pavelka

In this issue:

Growth Patterns by Cheryl Malone
Growth Patterns by Cheryl Malone
Upcycled Utensils by Kristin Pavelka
Upcycled Utensils by Kristin Pavelka
Belly Bottomed Dishes by Birdie Boone
Belly Bottomed Dishes by Birdie Boone

Soft Slab Flower Basket by Marion Peters Angelica
Soft Slab Flower Basket by Marion Peters Angelica
In the Mix: Liner Glazes by Deanna Ranlett
In the Mix: Liner Glazes by Deanna Ranlett
Tools of the Trade: Roulettes by Russell Fouts
Tools of the Trade: Roulettes by Russell Fouts

Supply Room: Sourcing Utensils by Jessica Knapp
Supply Room: Sourcing Utensils by Jessica Knapp
Tips from the Pros: Majolica Tips by Maggie Connolly
Tips from the Pros: Majolica Tips by Maggie Connolly
Instructors File: Flower Power by Marion Peters Angelica
Instructors File: Flower Power by Marion Peters Angelica

Off the Shelf: Contemporary Tableware reviewed by Sumi von Dassow
Off the Shelf: Contemporary Tableware reviewed by Sumi von Dassow
Pottery Illustrated: Traditional Vessels and Forms by Robin Ouellette
Pottery Illustrated: Traditional Vessels and Forms by Robin Ouellette