Features in this Issue

Cover: Karen Terpstra uses a paddle and an anvil to shape a large jar employing a flat coil method.

In this issue:

Dust and Wax by Philippe Faraut
Dust and Wax by Philippe Faraut
What a Relief by Paul Andrew Wandless
What a Relief by Paul Andrew Wandless

Making Large Jars by Karent Terpstra
Making Large Jars by Karent Terpstra
No Toil Tile by Hanna Lore Hombordy
No Toil Tile by Hanna Lore Hombordy

Tips from the Pros: Decoration by the Spoonful by Marj Peeler with Chuck Wagoner

Off the Shelf: Making Marks by Sumi von Dassow

In the Mix: The Look of wood Fire by Richard Busch

Instructors File: Electric Kiln Basics

Tools of the Trade: Portable Slab Rollers

Supply Room: Glazes for the Chemically Challenged