Features in this Issue

Cover: Laura Kukkee cutting slabs for appliqué.

In this issue:

How to Decorate a 17th Century English Slipware Candlestick by Irma StarrThe Pot Drum: A Demonstration by Daryl BairdA Unique Approach to Slip Trailing Appliqué Part 1 by Anderson Turner

A Workshop on Architectural Ceramics in Tuscany 2003 by Marcia SelsorPebble Pots by Mary WhiteLusters and Metallics: A Touch of Glamour by Hanna Lore Hombordy

Kids Korner: The Terra-Cotta Warriors by Craig HinshawMint Collection: A Tin-Glaze Drug Jar, ca. 1680 by Margaret Zimmerman

PMI Online: Glaze Software by Helen Bates

Down to Business: J.H.T.B.H (Just Happy to be Here) by Chris Campbell

Off the Shelf: Classics on Clay by Sumi von Dassow