Features in this Issue

Cover: Coil-built and shaped Tulipiere by Shoko Teruyama.

In this issue:

Shape and Shave by Shoko Teruyama
Shape and Shave by Shoko Teruyama
A Crowning Achievement by Martina Lantin
A Crowning Achievement by Martina Lantin

Fascinating Constructions by Annie Chrietzberg
Fascinating Constructions by Annie Chrietzberg
Die-Cut Stencils by Paul Barchilon
Die-Cut Stencils by Paul Barchilon

Bristol Glazes 
 by Cherly Pannabecker
Bristol Glazes 
 by Cherly Pannabecker
Moveable Studio by Jackson Fox
Moveable Studio by Jackson Fox

Finding a Niche by Bill Jones
Finding a Niche by Bill Jones
Rainbow Revealed by Adrian Sandstrom
Rainbow Revealed by Adrian Sandstrom

Slabware Molds by Jonathan Kaplan
Slabware Molds by Jonathan Kaplan
Ceramic Transfer Printing review by Sumi von Dassow
Ceramic Transfer Printing review by Sumi von Dassow