Features in this Issue

Cover: Lisa Merida-Paytes

In this issue:

A Touch of Glass by Anderson Turner
A Touch of Glass by Anderson Turner
Fish Tales by Lisa Merida-Paytes
Fish Tales by Lisa Merida-Paytes
Oh, Yes You Can by Russel Fouts
Oh, Yes You Can by Russel Fouts

Hang It Up by Annie Chrietzberg
Hang It Up by Annie Chrietzberg
In the Mix: Color Testing by Robin Hopper
In the Mix: Color Testing by Robin Hopper
Tools of the Trade: Taking Control by David Gamble
Tools of the Trade: Taking Control by David Gamble

Supply Room: Glass Act by Maria Moran
Supply Room: Glass Act by Maria Moran
Tips from the Pros: Square Dancing by Dick Lehman
Tips from the Pros: Square Dancing by Dick Lehman
Instructors File: High School Anagama by Clay Cunningham
Instructors File: High School Anagama by Clay Cunningham

Off the Shelf: Smoke Firing Review by Sumi von Dassow
Off the Shelf: Smoke Firing Review by Sumi von Dassow