Features in this Issue

Cover: Faith Rahill carefully peels a slice from a neriage block.

In this issue:

Fire & Clay by Debi Nelson
Fire & Clay by Debi Nelson
Creating Neriage Blocks by Faith Rahill
Creating Neriage Blocks by Faith Rahill
Tin From Clay by Larry Nelson
Tin From Clay by Larry Nelson

Improving Your Image by Brad Menninga
Improving Your Image by Brad Menninga
Tips from the Pros: Another Facet of Faceting by Hank Murrow
Tips from the Pros: Another Facet of Faceting by Hank Murrow
In the Mix: Strong, Pure and Matte by Patrick Horsley
In the Mix: Strong, Pure and Matte by Patrick Horsley

Tools of the Trade: The Battle of the Bulge by Arnold Howard
Tools of the Trade: The Battle of the Bulge by Arnold Howard
Supply Room: Ravenscrag Slip by Tim Lerner
Supply Room: Ravenscrag Slip by Tim Lerner
Instructors File: Community-Based Art by Jan Brown Checco
Instructors File: Community-Based Art by Jan Brown Checco

Off the Shelf: The Teapot Book
by Sumi von Dassow