Features in this Issue

Its been a while in coming, but the wait was worth it! This second supplement to Ceramics Monthly includes articles about techniques, projects, clay and glaze information, and tips for potters at any skill level. Something for Everyone Here you will find how-to information for you— the potter— whether you’re a student, instructor, amateur or professional. Students will appreciate the variety of topics that will provide a glimpse of some of the myriad possibilities available in the world of making pottery.

Educators and instructors will find ideas that they can implement as part of their curriculum or modify to fit their own style for their students. Amateurs will find the articles and tips useful in helping them make the most of their studio time. Professionals will find techniques they can incorporate into their repertoire, or use as a starting point for some tangent they want to explore.

Our Skills,Your Skills One of the greatest things about making pottery is the individuality of results. We all bring a separate “toolbox” of skills and abilities with us as we enter a studio, since were all affected by our past experiences, attitude, innate ability, knowledge and desire. The goal of Pottery Making Illustrated is to add tools to your toolbox by giving you project ideas, influencing your attitude, increasing your skills and enhancing your knowledge on all aspects of pottery making. Enjoy!