In an effort to produce a functional ceramic object that’s more earth friendly, I started combining vintage recycled kitchen tools with “candy-coated” earthenware handles. This project combines my love of thrifting, vintage objects, and ceramics while being a little more “green.” 

1 Choose a utensil, remove the handle, soak the metal part in white vinegar, and scrub the surface to remove residue.2 Create paper patterns of the handle shape that best fits the utensil, and cut it out of a clay slab.

3 Form a pod shape and create volume by pressing the two halves together. Pinch the edges together, trapping air within.4 Once you have the handle shape you want, use a small brayer to compress the seams while leaving the join visible.

5 Attach a small, flat clay disk to the end of the handle where the metal utensil will connect to it.6 Curve the handle by pulling down on the ends with one hand and up on the top middle with the other.

7 Create an opening in the leather-hard handle through the circular disk of clay on the end using a drill bit.

8 Dip the dry handle in terra sigillata and then apply slip to the underside with a soft brush.9 Use casting resin (Castin’ Craft Clear Liquid Plastic Casting Resin) to secure the utensil shaft in the handle.

From the Pottery Making Illustrated November/December 2012 issue.

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