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Published May 22, 2024

We have posted many articles on faceting clay, but I had never seen facets quite like Dwayne Sackey's. These dramatic cuts so perfectly reflect the "skyscapes of mountain peaks and ridges" that inspire Dwayne's work.

So today I thought I would share an excerpt from the Pottery Making Illustrated archive in which Dwayne shares his faceting process. Get ready to be inspired yourself! –Jennifer Poellot Harnetty, editor

PS. To see how Dwayne assembles his goblets and fires his work, check out the May/June 2023 issue of Pottery Making IllustratedWant to see a video all about Dwayne’s faceting technique? Check out his Workshop from Home on CLAYflicks!


Forming and Faceting the Stem

Begin by throwing the stem of the chalice. Center and pull up 3 pounds of clay into a skinny cylinder shape with walls about ½ inch thick (1).

The thickness of your walls depends on how deep you wish to cut your facets with a cheese cutter. The cheese cutters that I like to use are adjustable and I usually work with the setting at just under a centimeter. You can freehand this process if you like, but I appreciate the consistency that comes with the predetermined measurement.

Dwayne Sackey's finished faceted margarita chalice.
Dwayne Sackey's finished faceted margarita chalice.
1 Throw the chalice stem into a skinny cylinder with walls about ½ inch thick.
1 Throw the chalice stem into a skinny cylinder with walls about ½ inch thick.

Refine the exterior with a metal rib to shape the form, then prep the surface for faceting.

Make your cuts starting from the bottom of the stem moving upward (2), and rotating the tool to the left so that it comes to a diagonal angle a quarter of the way up the stem, then pull the tool out to leave a sharp angle. Move up about a centimeter, then place the tool in and repeat the process, this time starting with it diagonally facing left and ending halfway up the form facing diagonally right (3). On the next pass, end with the cut horizontal a centimeter below the rim. Continue this process by alternating the angles around the stem. I aim to create a zigzagging line of raised clay working its way around the stem by lining up the cuts in an alternating direction. Feel free to play with the patterns, angles, and depth of your cuts. Faceting is such a fun process and there are so many possibilities when you start with a thick enough cylinder.

Once you are done faceting the body of the chalice, use a paint scraper or stiff, sharp rib with a right angle to accentuate where the facets meet the wheel head (4). This will create a sharp, angular foot that fits with the overall surface design.

2 Make facet cuts starting from the bottom of the stem and moving upward.
2 Make facet cuts starting from the bottom of the stem and moving upward.
3 As you move up, start new cuts at a diagonal, then repeat the process to the top.
3 As you move up, start new cuts at a diagonal, then repeat the process to the top.
4 Use a paint scraper or a rib with a right angle to accentuate the base.
4 Use a paint scraper or a rib with a right angle to accentuate the base.
5 Throw a narrow cup with ½-inch-thick walls. Straighten the sides of the form.
5 Throw a narrow cup with ½-inch-thick walls. Straighten the sides of the form.

Forming and Faceting the Cup

The cup that sits atop the stem follows a similar process. Start with 2 pounds of clay and throw a narrow cup shaped like a shot glass with ½-inch-thick walls. Straighten up the sides of the form, then refine the exterior with a metal rib to prep the surface for faceting (5).

Facet the cup starting from the bottom and pulling the tool out halfway up the form this time to create a zigzagging pattern that works its way around the belly of the cup (6).

When you have made facets all the way around the form, it is time to open the cup. Since you left a substantial amount of clay in the walls and are working with a plastic clay body, the pot has a good chance of opening without tearing or crumpling. Start out by expanding the interior of the pot by hand and then shape it with a rib to get the desired curve (7). In my opinion, the rib’s shape is the best way to dictate the angle of the curve of a bowl and if the rib you are using does not give the desired shape when pressed into the clay, it might be worth making or buying a rib that will give you your desired curve without too much fuss. There is nothing more satisfying than having a good rib that, when pressed into a steeply angled bowl, creates an elegant curve that sings in harmony with the form. There are lots of ways to create a nice curve and you can achieve the curve of your bowl however you see fit.

Smooth and refine the interior of the bowl, which will become the cup, with a soft, flexible rib (8), then smooth the lip with a chamois to finish the pot (9).

6 Facet the cup starting from the bottom to create a zigzagging pattern.
6 Facet the cup starting from the bottom to create a zigzagging pattern.
7 Expand the interior by hand and then shape it with a rib to create a curve.
7 Expand the interior by hand and then shape it with a rib to create a curve.
8 Smooth and refine the interior with a soft, flexible rib.
8 Smooth and refine the interior with a soft, flexible rib.
9 Smooth the lip with a chamois to finish the pot.
9 Smooth the lip with a chamois to finish the pot.

Dwayne Sackey earned his BFA from Oregon College of Art and Craft in 2019. He exhibited at the Multnomah County Justice Center in 2019, and at the governor’s mansion in 2021. Sackey was a recipient of the 2021 Studio Potter grant for apprenticeship alongside his mentor Chris Baskin, had a demo presentation at the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts (NCECA) in 2022, and taught a workshop at Clay By The Bay in 2022. To see more, visit

**First published in 2023.

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