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Published Aug 9, 2024

Wheel throwing off the humpTrimming on a chum can really help maximize efficiency in the studio. It may seem like a little thing, but if you are in heavy production, the time savings can add up when you can quickly move from one pot to another. 

Chums are also great for pots with delicate or irregular rims. In this post, an excerpt from her video Intermediate Wheel Throwing, Jennifer Allen explains how to add a scalloped rim to a bowl and then trim it with a chum. –Jennifer Poellot Harnetty, editor


This clip was excerpted from Intermediate Wheel Throwing, which is available in the Ceramic Arts Network Shop!

CLAYflicks subscribers can view this and all of CAN's full-length videos on CLAYflicks! Not a subscriber yet? No problem—click here to sign up.

Jennifer Allen attaching a handle to a pitcherTo learn more about Jennifer Allen or to see more images of her work, please visit

**First published in 2015.
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