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Published Feb 3, 2023

how to make a slab mug

There are lots of ways to make clay mugs, from throwing a mug on the wheel, to slip casting mugs, to slab mugs. In this post, we will focus on how to make a slab mug.

You also have a lot of choices when deciding how to slab build your mug. You could choose to work with soft slabs as Liz Zlot Summerfield does, or even put your slabs into plaster press molds like Ben Jordan. Sarah Pike has a pretty straightforward approach to how to make a slab mug. In this video, an excerpt from Slab Building with Handmade Texture, Sarah shows how she uses simple tools that she makes or repurposes from a garden store to make her lovely textured mugs. –Jennifer Poellot Harnetty, editor

There are a ton of great slab building projects and ideas in the hand building section of Ceramic Arts Network. Check them out for more inspiration!

This video was excerpted from Slab Building with Hand Made Texture with Sarah Pike, which is available in the Ceramic Arts Network Shop, and on our streaming website CLAYflicks!

How to Make a Slab Mug and So Much More!

Handbuilding techniques allow for a wide range of creativity. We’ll share with you some of the most inventive handbuilt work out there and give step-by-step instruction from the artists making it. Peruse through our archive of articles and videos on handbuilding techniques, whether you want to brush up on a process or start off in a new direction. There are a ton of great slab building projects and ideas in the hand building section of Ceramic Arts Network. From slab platters, to a slab built teapot set, you’ll find so much to keep you inspired! Browse through the Handbuilding section today! 

**First published in 2019.