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Published Oct 28, 2022

The things that separate good pots from great pots are often very subtle. They are the little details that might get overlooked by an inexperienced potter, but that add up to make pots that just have that special something. Simon Levin carefully considers every detail on his pots at every step of the process, and it shows.

In today’s video, an excerpt from his video Work Flow: Throwing and Trimming Off the Hump, Simon shares a couple of the little details he adds to his snack plates to give them that certain “je ne sais quoi.” - Jennifer Poellot Harnetty, editor


This clip was excerpted from Work Flow: Throwing and Trimming Off the Hump with Simon Levin, which is available in the Ceramic Arts Network Shop.

CLAYflicks subscribers can view this and all of CAN's full-length videos on CLAYflicks! Not a subscriber yet? No problem—click here to sign up.

**First published in 2018.
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