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Published Sep 11, 2018

Lindsay Oesteritter

Why we make clay objects is often a personal choice. We've posted several Artist Q&A's on the topic of "why I'm an artist" (see Sunshine Cobb's video, read Lisa Naples's response, and watch Bryan Hopkin's video for more Q&A's!) and all the responses have been very different. Lindsay Oesteritter's response focuses on clay as a versatile material.

In tonight’s Artist Q&A, Lindsay discusses why she loves the variety of building techniques and marks you can make with clay, as well as its tactile nature. –Jennifer Poellot Harnetty, editor

PS. To see Lindsay’s full interview, and learn more about why she is an artist, subscribe to CLAYflicks!


This clip was excerpted from Conversations with the Objective Clay Artist Collective, which is available for streaming on CLAYflicks.

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Topics: Ceramic Artists