Features in this Issue

On the Cover: "Echolalia" by Steven Montgomery

On the cover: "Echolalia," 29 inches in height, press molded and assembled.

In This Issue

Steven Montgomery
Steven Montgomery
Michael Sherrill
Michael Sherrill
Fast Fossils: Carbon-Film Transfer on Saggar-Fired Porcelain by Dick Lehman
Fast Fossils: Carbon-Film Transfer on Saggar-Fired Porcelain by Dick Lehman

Rasa and Juozas Saldaitis by Charles Shilas
Rasa and Juozas Saldaitis by Charles Shilas
The Poetry of Punchong: Slip-Decorated Ware by Byoung-Ho Yoo, Soo-Jong Ree and Sung-Jae Choi by Meghen Jones
The Poetry of Punchong: Slip-Decorated Ware by Byoung-Ho Yoo, Soo-Jong Ree and Sung-Jae Choi by Meghen Jones
Energy and Care: Pit Firing Burnished Pots on the Beach by Carol Molly Prier
Energy and Care: Pit Firing Burnished Pots on the Beach by Carol Molly Prier

Nitsa Yaffe
Nitsa Yaffe
A Female Perspective by Alan Naslund
A Female Perspective by Alan Naslund
Endurance of Spirit: The Work of Joanne Hayakawa by Mark Messenger
Endurance of Spirit: The Work of Joanne Hayakawa by Mark Messenger

Buck Pottery: 17 Years of Turnin' and Burnin' by David Hendley
Buck Pottery: 17 Years of Turnin' and Burnin' by David Hendley
California Contemporary Clay
California Contemporary Clay


Letters to the Editor
Suggestions from Our Readers
Answers to Questions
No More Gerstley Borate by Jeff Zamek
Conquering Higher Ground: NCECA 2000 Conference Preview
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