Features in this Issue

On the Cover: \"Shield\" by David Shaner

On the cover: \"Shield\" by David Shaner 18 inches in diameter, stoneware, with copper green glaze, fired to cone 10 in reduction.

In This Issue

Painterly Potter Regina Heinz by Paul F. Dauer
Painterly Potter Regina Heinz by Paul F. Dauer
Tom Kerrigan
Tom Kerrigan
Anderson Ranch's Doug Casebeer by David K. Gibson
Anderson Ranch's Doug Casebeer by David K. Gibson

In Recognition: Rudy Autio, Cynthia Bringle, Val Cushing, Ken Ferguson, John Glick, Robin Hopper, Karen Karnes, Warren MacKenzie, Don Reitz, David Shaner, Paul Soldner, Toshiko Takaezu, Peter Voulkos
In Recognition: Rudy Autio, Cynthia Bringle, Val Cushing, Ken Ferguson, John Glick, Robin Hopper, Karen Karnes, Warren MacKenzie, Don Reitz, David Shaner, Paul Soldner, Toshiko Takaezu, Peter Voulkos
Deeply Rooted by Linda Ganstrom
Deeply Rooted by Linda Ganstrom
Azulejos: Architectural Tiles of Portugalby Karen F. Beall
Azulejos: Architectural Tiles of Portugalby Karen F. Beall

Ken Price
Ken Price
Over-the-Counter Glazes by John Britt
Over-the-Counter Glazes by John Britt


Letters to the Editor
Suggestions from Our Readers
Answers to Questions
Waking Up the Wish by Delia Robinson
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