Features in this Issue
On the Cover: Gourd Vase and Platters by Taxile Doat
Porcelain gourd vase and medallion platters (circa 1900-1904) by Taxile Doat, an artist-potter famous for his work at Sèvres.
Tradition: Handed Down or Handed Out? by Brian Moeran
Building a Modular Kiln by Bob McWilliams
Mold Making for the Jigger by Bill Campbell
British Figurative Expression
Treasures from French Collections
Portfolio: Baltimore with A Potter's Story by Michael Cohen; A Rookie's Lesson by Dennis Meiners; Exposure and Feedback by Mona Brooks; Getting Ready by Charles Gluskoter; A Pivotal Experience by Leslie Lee; Economic Realities by Ann Mallory; Entering the Fair Market by Ed Risak
Oxidation Colors at Cone 10 by Terry Hutchinson
Raku: Variations on a Theme
A Collection Worth Studying
Michael Gross
Duplicating Your Own Slides by Lee Rexrode
Letters to the Editor
Comment: Thoughts on Tradition by Jack Troy
News & Retrospect