Features in this Issue

On the Cover: Matt Long

On the cover: Matt Long’s bourbon set, 14 inches in height, soda-fired porcelain.

In This Issue

Matt Long's Moments of Victory by Glen R. BrownTrans-MissionRock Creek Climbing Kiln by Sue Lewis

The Clay Studio's Resident Artist Program by Christopher GarciaHome Away From Home by Elizabeth Anne KendallThe Power of Pottery by Kevin A. Hluch

A Visit to the 2003 Korean Ceramics Biennial by Gary HoltEarly Zsolnay: Porcelain-Faience in the Tariq Rajab Museum by Olga NefedovaHeeseung Lee by Wuanda Walls

ASU Ceramics Research Center 2003 Studio Tour with What Worked and What Didn't Work by Sandra Luehrsen

Letters to the Editor
Suggestions from Our Readers
Answers to Questions
Framing the Problem by Larry Brow