In this issue, among our usual fare, we will talk about the approach to ceramic design some have taken, and look at the resulting work. —Sherman Hall, Editor.
On the cover: Paul Donnelly’s pitcher set, wheel-thrown porcelain, oxidation-fired, wood base, 2011.
In This Issue
Ben Jackel: Use Only in Case of Emergency by Kathleen WhitneyReversing the Flow: European Designers in China by Heidi McKenzieAdding to the Story: The Work of Martina Lantin by Katey Schultz
Paul Donnelly: A Foundation in Contrast by Glen R. BrownThe Implications of Function by Jeremy RandallExhibition Review: Out of Necessity: Contemporary Interventions by Owen Duffy
Exposure Clay Culture: Pottery from Poland by Jenna Makowski Clay Culture: Reclaimed Iron Oxide by Skip Sensbach Studio Visit: Nicholas Bernard, Scottsdale, Arizona Tips and Tools: Repurposing Tools by Marty Jones and Don
Kopyscinski Techno File: Firing Faster by Dave Finkelnburg Recipes: Martina Lantin's and Paul Donnelly's glaze recipes Spotlight: Intersections by Heather Mae Erickson