Features in this Issue

Focus: High-tech and Low-tech

On the cover: Ken Price, Hunchback of Venice, 29 in. (73 cm) in length, fired and painted clay, 2000. Courtesy of Dallas Price and Bob Van Breda. Copyright Ken Price. Photo copyright Fredrik Nilsen.

In This Issue

The Centrality of Ceramics in African Cultures by Diana Lyn Roberts
The Centrality of Ceramics in African Cultures by Diana Lyn Roberts
Nobuhito Nishigawara: Body Doubles by Kathleen Whitney
Nobuhito Nishigawara: Body Doubles by Kathleen Whitney
Horror Vacui by Liz Smith
Horror Vacui by Liz Smith

3D Printing in Clay: Building Objects in Coiled Layers by Roderick Bamford
3D Printing in Clay: Building Objects in Coiled Layers by Roderick Bamford
Exhibition Review: Ken Price Sculpture: A Retrospective by Elaine Levin
Exhibition Review: Ken Price Sculpture: A Retrospective by Elaine Levin
Exhibition Review: A Fine Line by Emily Donahoe
Exhibition Review: A Fine Line by Emily Donahoe


Studio Visit: Anne Mette Hjortshøj, Rønne, Bornholm, Denmark
Clay Culture: Ceramic Tech Highlights
Clay Culture: A Burning Question by Wesley L. Smith
Techno File: Ceramic Stains by John Britt
Tips and Tools: Adjustable Heights by Adam Field
Spotlight: Porcelain Narratives by Beth Lo