We're focusing on regeneration in this issue, with work by both Sam Chung and Margaret Bohls, who have explored different bodies of work throughout their careers. Their stories are well worth the read, and may even help you in your own creative path. –Jessica Knapp, editor.
Cover Image: Sam Chung's Cloud Bottle, wheel-thrown and handbuilt porcelain, glaze, china paint.
In This Issue
Stepping Out Through the In Door by Sam ChungTying It All Together by Margaret BohlsMaurice Savoie: A Life with Porcelain by John K. Grande
Return to Earth: Ceramic Sculpture of Fontana, Melotti, Miro, Noguchi, and Picasso by Diana Lyn RobertsTerra Ignis: Miquel Barcelo's Ceramics by Bryan AlexanderWood Firing: Wadding by Simon Levin
Exposure Clay Culture: Collaborating with a Tree by Ron Lang Clay Culture: Dropping the Urn by Paul Mathieu Studio Visit: Mieko Sagisaka and Richard Truckle, Tokoname, Japan, by Lucie Brisson Techno File: Strontium/Barium by Dave
Finkelnburg Tips and Tools: Simple Apron Making by Jeni Hansen Gard and Lindsay Scypta Recipes: Shared by Margaret Bohls and Sam Chung Spotlight: Growth and Change by Sequoia Miller