Features in this Issue

On the Cover: "Navigate" by Kelly King

On the cover: "Navigate" is 15 inches in height, slab-built Cone 10 porcelain, fired to Cone 6, China paints.


From Average to Excellent by Marc Leuthod, with Sarah G. Wilk
From Average to Excellent by Marc Leuthod, with Sarah G. Wilk
Angelo Garzio 1922-2008
Angelo Garzio 1922-2008
Nestle, Nuzzle, Run for Cover: Kelly King's Untamable Subconscious by Jennifer Graff
Nestle, Nuzzle, Run for Cover: Kelly King's Untamable Subconscious by Jennifer Graff

Jeffry Mitchell: Once Over Lightly by Matthew Kangas
Jeffry Mitchell: Once Over Lightly by Matthew Kangas
Patience is Still a Virtue by Leigh Somerville
Patience is Still a Virtue by Leigh Somerville
Fukumoto Fuku: Between Tradition and Objet by Glen R. Brown
Fukumoto Fuku: Between Tradition and Objet by Glen R. Brown

Hunt Prothro: Surface Tension by Susan Chappelear
Hunt Prothro: Surface Tension by Susan Chappelear
Kleckner Pottery: The Ripple Effect by Judy Seckler
Kleckner Pottery: The Ripple Effect by Judy Seckler


Letters to the Editor 
Suggestions from Our Readers
Answers to Questions
Comments: Which One is Best? by Dick Lehman