Features in this Issue

Focus: Business

On the cover: Vessel Group by Ryan McKerley to 10 inches in height, thrown porcelain, with resisted relief, and soda-fired.

In This Issue

Working for Others or for Yourself: It’s a Choice by Dennis W. Smith
Working for Others or for Yourself: It’s a Choice by Dennis W. Smith
The Lillstreet Art Center: Thirty Years by Elizabeth Reichert
The Lillstreet Art Center: Thirty Years by Elizabeth Reichert
The Reach of 16 Hands by Jamie Davis
The Reach of 16 Hands by Jamie Davis

The Long Apprenticeship by Daniel Bellow
The Long Apprenticeship by Daniel Bellow
Barbro Aberg by Ulla Munck Jorgensen
Barbro Aberg by Ulla Munck Jorgensen
Tony Moore: Lyricist in a Time of War by Roger Lipsey
Tony Moore: Lyricist in a Time of War by Roger Lipsey

Albert Pfarr by Julie Stevenson
Albert Pfarr by Julie Stevenson
A Look West from Japan by Mariko Swisher
A Look West from Japan by Mariko Swisher
Elsa Rady: The Cycladic Swings by Elaine Levin
Elsa Rady: The Cycladic Swings by Elaine Levin

Pei Xueli: Tradition and Innovation by Glen R. Brown
Pei Xueli: Tradition and Innovation by Glen R. Brown
Footsteps to Follow: Eric Strader’s Branch on the Pottery Family Tree by Marshall King
Footsteps to Follow: Eric Strader’s Branch on the Pottery Family Tree by Marshall King
Deirdre McLoughlin by Nesrin During
Deirdre McLoughlin by Nesrin During


Letters from Readers 
Suggestions New Books   
A Production Potter’s Advice by Frank Gosar