It seems almost comical that just one person telling me what he thought would be a good idea changed my mind about starting a new section of the magazine, but that’s exactly what happened with Clay Culture. —Sherman Hall, Editor
On the cover: Front: Seated Woman, by Kensuke Yamada, 2008. Rear: Light Cistern, constructed of small wooden pallets that the sewer tile and brick used to be stacked on in the brick factory, by Nicholas Bonner, 1992; installed in the historical tile factory
drying shed at the Archie Bray Foundation for the Ceramic Arts, Helena, Montana. Photo: Nelson Guda.
In This Issue
Clay Culture: From Center to Edge, the Archie Bray Foundation at 60Clay Culture: Learning with WoodClay Culture: A Blog Worth Reading
Studio Visit: Guillermo Cuellar, Shafer, MinnesotaLocal Clay by David PetersMy Own Backyard by Robert Balaban
Big Creek Pottery by Karen Thuesen MassaroGlaze: Roadside Glazes by John BrittSpotlight: A Tale of Adventure by Rebecca Harvey
Letters Exposure Tips and Tools Call for Entries Techno File: Four Ways to Red by Dave Finkelnburg Clay Culture: Back to Basics