Features in this Issue

On the Cover:  Wang Chun Wen

On the cover: Wang Chun Wen re-creates the elusive "liquid in liquid" iron-crystalline glazes of the Song dynasty.


Monarch National Competition  
Richard Abnet by Pat Hanson

Gayle Tustin by Anthony F. Janson

Leaving Berlin by Gudrun Petzold

Mary Kay Davis

Japanese Contemporary Clay by Tony Dubis Merino

Summer Workshops 1997

Working with Juan Quezada by Shelley Corwin

Wang Chun Wen by Jack Hachigian

The Press-Molded Figures of Shiwan by Ed Mc Endarfer 

The Dust Factor by Seth Cardew

Psycho Ceramics: Mending Cracked Pots by Delia Robinson

Ceramics at Coors Field: Blossoming of Denver's Self-Image by Geri Anderson 

Evolution of the Ball by Berkley Jane Skeer


Up Front
Comment: A Potter's Tale of Terrors by Brad Sondahl
New Books