Features in this Issue

Focus: Mixed Media

On the cover: “Never Grow Up” by Scott Rench, 14 inches in height, terra cotta with printed underglaze, and plastic.

In This Issue

Propaganda, Politics and Porcelain: The Work of Scott Rench by Paul Scott
Propaganda, Politics and Porcelain: The Work of Scott Rench by Paul Scott
25-Year-Old Slab of Clay: A Marriage of Ceramics and Printmaking by Lisa McVey
25-Year-Old Slab of Clay: A Marriage of Ceramics and Printmaking by Lisa McVey
Tailor Made: The Dress Sculptures of Kathleen Holmes by Barbara Rizza Mellin
Tailor Made: The Dress Sculptures of Kathleen Holmes by Barbara Rizza Mellin

The Fusion of Clay and Dichroic Glass by Alfred Spivack
The Fusion of Clay and Dichroic Glass by Alfred Spivack
The Fantastical  Functional Forms of Kenny Delio by Myra Bellin
The Fantastical Functional Forms of Kenny Delio by Myra Bellin
Actual and Allusive: The Vessels of Ken Eastman by Glen R. Brown
Actual and Allusive: The Vessels of Ken Eastman by Glen R. Brown

Breaking Through to Familiar Ground by Frank James Fisher
Breaking Through to Familiar Ground by Frank James Fisher
Meaning at the Fingertips: The Sociopolitcal Translations of Ingrid Lilligren by Kathleen Whitney
Meaning at the Fingertips: The Sociopolitcal Translations of Ingrid Lilligren by Kathleen Whitney
Fish Out of Water: Todd Burns’ Marine Vessels by Karen C. Britt
Fish Out of Water: Todd Burns’ Marine Vessels by Karen C. Britt

Ashes, Ashes, All Fall Down by James Kasper
Ashes, Ashes, All Fall Down by James Kasper
Wim Borst: Geometric Harmony by Nesrin During
Wim Borst: Geometric Harmony by Nesrin During


Letters from Readers
New Books  
Worth and Value by Jack Troy