Ceramics will not cure the world of its many ills, but its the hammer I have, so I’ll go looking for nails to pound with it. —Sherman Hall, Editor
On the cover: Takashi Hinoda’s “Alternative Muscles,” exhibition view, imura art gallery, Kyoto, Japan, 2011. Photo: Kazuo Fukunaga. Courtesy imura art gallery.
In This Issue
Techno File: Mesh Size by John BrittClay Culture: Permanence and Disposability by Erin PfeiferClay Culture: To Brick or To Click
Clay Culture: A Potter’s Evolution by Jessica KnappStudio Visit: Lisa Orr, Austin, TexasOn the Precipice: Brad Schwieger’s Constructions 2010 by Eleanor Rae Harper
Takashi Hinoda’s Alternative Muscles by Naomi TsukamotoThe Ceramic Sprawlscape by Glen R. BrownReturn Voyage: Harlan House Sets Sail by Heidi McKenzie
MFA Factor: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities2012 Gallery GuideSpotlight: The Nevica Project