On the cover: Washington Ledesma’s Tarik, 22 inches in height, with underglaze and sgraffito designs, fired to Cone 02.
In This Issue
Taiwan's International Ceramics CompetitionOn Being a Visiting Artist by Bonnie KemskeBread, Butter and Salt: The Pottery of Cathi Jefferson by Rachelle Chinnery
Washington Ledesma's Parade of Personalities by Jani GardnerNatural MaterialsArchie McCall: Beyond the Decorative by Glen R. Brown
The Ceramics of Joan MiroMark Bell by Phyllis Blair ClarkKathy Venter
Letting Go of Tradition by John BennettNaniwazuyaki: The Pottery of Osaka, Japan by John CarleEva Eisenloeffel by Nesrin During
Chris Staley: Significance of Touch by Judy DonaldsonBlack Friday by Jeff ZamackAlternative Raku Kiln Designs by Andreas Salzman with Jennifer Salzman
The Change is the Weather by Susan Scott
Letters to the Editor Suggestions from Our Readers Answers to Questions Itinerary Up Front