Utah, Salt Lake City “Formed by Nature” (March 25–29, 2025). Formed by Nature seeks to represent artists from a variety of perspectives to showcase the overlooked beauty of raw materials and witness their transformation into objects of intricate craftsmanship, resilience, and cultural significance. Entries must be original works using local materials, created within the last three years, and comprised of a minimum of 50% clay. No hanging work will be accepted and work must not exceed $500 in value. Fee: $5 per entry, up to two entries. Juried from digital. Jurors: Adam Addley and Shasta Krueger. Contact Shasta Krueger, Cottonwood Clay, 7587 State Street, Midvale, UT 84047; cottonwoodclay.slc@gmail.com; 801-413-7756; formedbynature.artcall.org.
January 31, 2025 entry deadline
California, Laguna Beach “Women in Art” (March 6–30, 2025). Las Laguna Art Gallery celebrates International Women’s Month with our upcoming Women in Art exhibition. All female-identifying artists are encouraged to apply. All local, national, and international artists, professional and amateur and multiple art mediums will be considered for this call. Fee: $35. Juried from digital. Contact Las Laguna Art Gallery, 577 South Coast Highway, Suite A1, Laguna Beach, CA 92651; laslagunaartgallery@gmail.com; 949-505- 0950; laslagunaartgallery.com/women.
January 31, 2025 entry deadline
Georgia, Savannah “SIP: A Ceramic Cup Show 2025” (April 11–25, 2025). The Savannah Clay Community invites submissions for their 10th annual cup show. All submitted drinking vessels (cups, mugs, yunomis, tankards, tumblers, goblets, tea bowls, etc.) must be made primarily from clay and 100% functional with food-safe glazes. Open to all artists 18 years and older. Submissions must be original works, created within the last two years, and must not measure larger than 6 × 6 × 8 inches. All exhibited work must be for sale. Fee: $25 for three entries; No fee for SAVCC members. Juried from digital. Juror: Mike Cinelli. Contact Jessica Broad, Savannah Clay Community, 1305 Barnard St, Savannah, GA 31401; savannahclaycommunity@gmail.com; savannahclaycommunity.com/sip-2025-application.
February 7, 2025 entry deadline
Ohio, Norwood “Feathers, Fins, and Fur” (February 28–April 10, 2025). Queen City Clay is excited to announce an open call for our upcoming exhibition, Feathers, Fins, and Fur, which celebrates the diverse world of non-human animals. We invite ceramic artists 18 and over to submit their work that depicts animals as either the primary form or as integrated into decorative elements in sculptural and functional pieces. We look forward to seeing your creative interpretations of the animal kingdom and celebrating the vibrant and diverse world of ceramics with you! Entries must be original works created within the last two years. Submit a folder with high-resolution images of your work (up to 5 pieces) along with an image list to dropbox.com/request/QZ4W1lHIcAV7ouETmAiK. Fee: $20. Juried from digital. Juror: Sara Torgison. Contact John Stein, Queen City Clay, 2760 Highland Ave., Norwood, OH 45212; jstein@queencityclay.com; 513-871-2529; queencityclay.com/retail/gallery.
united states exhibitions
January 15, 2025 entry deadline
New York, Schuylerville “Morningware: Breakfast & Brunch” (May 3–June 14, 2025). Saratoga Clay Arts Center seeks submissions for its 6th annual national juried exhibition of functional pots designed to enhance the rituals surrounding morning meals. Morning meals are a cornerstone of our daily routines marking the transition from rest to activity, and the pottery we use during these moments plays a crucial role in setting the tone for the day. Open to all artists over 18 residing within the US and Canada. All works must be primarily ceramic, be the original work of the artist, and be for sale. Artists may submit up to three works. Fee: $35. Juried from digital. Juror: Lorna Meaden. Contact Leigh Taylor Mickelson, Saratoga Clay Arts Center, 167 Hayes Road, Schuylerville, NY 12871; leigh@saratogaclayarts.org; 518-581-2529; saratogaclayarts.org.
February 28, 2025 entry deadline
New Jersey, Demarest “In Hand II” (April 1–30, 2025). The Art School at Old Church invites artists living or working in the US or Canada, aged 18 and over, to apply for In Hand II. This exhibition highlights the drinking vessel, showcasing a variety of creative approaches to its form. Open to ceramic interpretations of a cup, mug, shot glass, yunomi, tumbler, stein, etc. Entries must be original works no larger than 10 in. tall and 7 in. wide, created within the last five years, and not previously exhibited at The Mikhail Zaikin Gallery. All work must be available for sale–gallery takes a commission of 35%. Fee: $35. Juried from digital. Juror: Bruce Dehner. Contact Eileen Sackman, The Art School at Old Church and Mikhail Zakin Gallery, 561 Piermont Road, Demarest, NJ 07627; eileen@tasoc.org; 201-767- 7160; tasoc.org/submissions.
regional exhibitions
January 15, 2025 entry deadline
Massachusetts, Lexington “The State of Clay 13th Biennial Ceramic Exhibition” (May 3–June 1, 2025). Open to all ceramic artists over the age of 18, who have current or former ties to Massachusetts through work or residency. The aim of the show is to broaden public awareness of contemporary ceramic art and to provide a venue for Massachusetts clay artists. Work must have been completed within the last three years and must not have been previously displayed in a State of Clay exhibit. Accepted artwork must be for sale. Fee: $35. Juried from digital. Juror: Martha Grover. Contact Lexington Arts and Crafts Society, 130 Waltham Street, Lexington, MA 02421; thestateofclay@gmail.com; stateofclay.com or lexart.org.
January 15, 2025 entry deadline
Wisconsin, Fond du Lac “Wisconsin Visual Artists: Perspectives 2025” (March 28–May 9, 2025). Open to artists over the age of 18, who are Wisconsin residents and members of the WVA. Work must have been completed within the last two years and must be an original work.$1750 in awards will be granted. Fee: $20 for the first entry, $10 each for second and third entries. Juried from digital. Jurors: Kate Mothes and Fred Stonehouse. Contact Ally Wilber, Wisconsin Visual Artists, PO Box 250699, Milwaukee, WI 53225; director@wisconsinvisualartists.org; wisconsinvisualartists.org.
January 17, 2025 entry deadline
Pennsylvania, Harrisburg “Art of the State 2025” (June 8–September 14, 2025). Open to Pennsylvania residents over the age of 18. Work must have been completed within the last three years and must be an original work. Fee: $30 for four entries. Juried from digital. Jurors: Brenton Good, Shin-hee Chin, Lauren Whearty, and Denise Ryner. Contact The State Museum of Pennsylvania, 300 North Street, Harrisburg, PA 17120; ra-phartofthestate@pa.gov; 717-772- 2840; statemuseumpa.org/artofthestate.
January 25, 2025 entry deadline
North Carolina, Calabash “Fired: Artistry in Clay” (March 15–April 19, 2025). Open to all ceramic artists over the age of 18, who reside in North or South Carolina. Fired is a show and sale of all things ceramic. Clay is a material with infinite possibilities. This show seeks to explore what NC and SC artists are doing with it. Functional and non-functional pottery are eligible. Everything from traditional to contemporary techniques are welcome. The only requirements are that of size and quality. Accepted artwork must be for sale and made within the last three years. Fee: $35. Juried from digital. Contact Sunset River Gallery, 10283 Beach Dr SW, Calabash, NC 28467; info@sunsetrivergallery.com; 910-575-5999; sunsetrivergallery.com.
fairs, festivals, and more
January 15, 2025 entry deadline
Kansas, Topeka “Public Art installations at the State of Kansas Docking Center.” Open to all artists over the age of 18. Seeking proposals for two concurrent public art projects (one indoor and one outdoor) that reflect the unique character and spirit of Kansas while engaging viewers with its creativity, innovation, and artistic excellence. While there are no residency requirements for applicants, proposals that reflect the region’s cultural identity are a priority. Proposals will be juried based on their artistic merit, conceptual clarity, feasibility, durability, and experience. No fee. Juried from digital. Contact Margaret Weisbrod Morris, State of Kansas; dockingbuilding.publicart@gmail.com; 785-218-3707; dockingstateofficebuilding.slideroom.com.
February 3, 2025 entry deadline
Pennsylvania, Lititz “Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsmen Summer Fine Craft Fair” (June 21-22, 2025). Open to all artists over the age of 18. Submissions representing the finest fine art and fine craft are welcome. You do not need to be a member of the Guild, nor do you have to be a Pennsylvania resident, to participate. Application fee: $30; Booth fees range from $295-790. Juried from digital. Contact Aviva Brandt Foster, Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsmen, 335 N. Queen Street, Lancaster, PA 17603; shows.pacrafts@gmail.com; 717-431-8706; pacrafts.org.
February 28, 2025 entry deadline
Michigan, Ludington “West Shore Art Fair” (July 5–6, 2025). Now in its 57th year, the WSAF is known as one of the top fine art fairs in the State of Michigan, featuring 100 plus jury-selected fine artists across a variety of media. This open-air, juried fine art and fine crafts show is managed by the Ludington Area Center for the Arts, a community arts organization that cultivates access to arts and culture in West Michigan. Open to all artists over the age of 18. Submissions must be the work of exhibiting artists. Fee: $40; booth fees $275–550. Juried from digital. Contact West Shore Art Fair, c/o Ludington Area Center for the Arts, 107 S. Harrison St., Ludington, MI 49431; info@ludingtonartscenter.org; 231-845-2787; ludingtonartscenter.org/west-shore-art-fair.
March 21, 2025 entry deadline
Arkansas, Bentonville “Bentonville Fine Art Festival” (May 31-June 1, 2025). The Bentonville Fine Art Festival will boast the talents of local, regional, and national artists displaying their original artwork in all fine art and fine craft mediums. Open to all artists over the age of 16. Submissions must be the work of exhibiting artists, not the work of mass production studios, organizations, or groups. No imports, no commercial, and no purchase for resale work. Fee: $25; booth fees $350–550. Juried from digital. Contact Ronda Mills, P.O. Box 7163, Siloam Springs, AR 72761; arkansasartshows@att.net; 479-215-7978; arkansasartshows.com and zapplication.org/event-info.php?ID=12557.
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international exhibitions
January 30, 2025 entry deadline
Utah, Salt Lake City “Formed by Nature” (March 25–29, 2025). Formed by Nature seeks to represent artists from a variety of perspectives to showcase the overlooked beauty of raw materials and witness their transformation into objects of intricate craftsmanship, resilience, and cultural significance. Entries must be original works using local materials, created within the last three years, and comprised of a minimum of 50% clay. No hanging work will be accepted and work must not exceed $500 in value. Fee: $5 per entry, up to two entries. Juried from digital. Jurors: Adam Addley and Shasta Krueger. Contact Shasta Krueger, Cottonwood Clay, 7587 State Street, Midvale, UT 84047;
cottonwoodclay.slc@gmail.com; 801-413-7756; formedbynature.artcall.org.
January 31, 2025 entry deadline
California, Laguna Beach “Women in Art” (March 6–30, 2025). Las Laguna Art Gallery celebrates International Women’s Month with our upcoming Women in Art exhibition. All female-identifying artists are encouraged to apply. All local, national, and international artists, professional and amateur and multiple art mediums will be considered for this call. Fee: $35. Juried from digital. Contact Las Laguna Art Gallery, 577 South Coast Highway, Suite A1, Laguna Beach, CA 92651; laslagunaartgallery@gmail.com; 949-505- 0950; laslagunaartgallery.com/women.
January 31, 2025 entry deadline
Georgia, Savannah “SIP: A Ceramic Cup Show 2025” (April 11–25, 2025). The Savannah Clay Community invites submissions for their 10th annual cup show. All submitted drinking vessels (cups, mugs, yunomis, tankards, tumblers, goblets, tea bowls, etc.) must be made primarily from clay and 100% functional with food-safe glazes. Open to all artists 18 years and older. Submissions must be original works, created within the last two years, and must not measure larger than 6 × 6 × 8 inches. All exhibited work must be for sale. Fee: $25 for three entries; No fee for SAVCC members. Juried from digital. Juror: Mike Cinelli. Contact Jessica Broad, Savannah Clay Community, 1305 Barnard St, Savannah, GA 31401; savannahclaycommunity@gmail.com; savannahclaycommunity.com/sip-2025-application.
February 7, 2025 entry deadline
Ohio, Norwood “Feathers, Fins, and Fur” (February 28–April 10, 2025). Queen City Clay is excited to announce an open call for our upcoming exhibition, Feathers, Fins, and Fur, which celebrates the diverse world of non-human animals. We invite ceramic artists 18 and over to submit their work that depicts animals as either the primary form or as integrated into decorative elements in sculptural and functional pieces. We look forward to seeing your creative interpretations of the animal kingdom and celebrating the vibrant and diverse world of ceramics with you! Entries must be original works created within the last two years. Submit a folder with high-resolution images of your work (up to 5 pieces) along with an image list to dropbox.com/request/QZ4W1lHIcAV7ouETmAiK. Fee: $20. Juried from digital. Juror: Sara Torgison. Contact John Stein, Queen City Clay, 2760 Highland Ave., Norwood, OH 45212; jstein@queencityclay.com; 513-871-2529; queencityclay.com/retail/gallery.
united states exhibitions
January 15, 2025 entry deadline
New York, Schuylerville “Morningware: Breakfast & Brunch” (May 3–June 14, 2025). Saratoga Clay Arts Center seeks submissions for its 6th annual national juried exhibition of functional pots designed to enhance the rituals surrounding morning meals. Morning meals are a cornerstone of our daily routines marking the transition from rest to activity, and the pottery we use during these moments plays a crucial role in setting the tone for the day. Open to all artists over 18 residing within the US and Canada. All works must be primarily ceramic, be the original work of the artist, and be for sale. Artists may submit up to three works. Fee: $35. Juried from digital. Juror: Lorna Meaden. Contact Leigh Taylor Mickelson, Saratoga Clay Arts Center, 167 Hayes Road, Schuylerville, NY 12871; leigh@saratogaclayarts.org;
518-581-2529; saratogaclayarts.org.
February 28, 2025 entry deadline
New Jersey, Demarest “In Hand II” (April 1–30, 2025). The Art School at Old Church invites artists living or working in the US or Canada, aged 18 and over, to apply for In Hand II. This exhibition highlights the drinking vessel, showcasing a variety of creative approaches to its form. Open to ceramic interpretations of a cup, mug, shot glass, yunomi, tumbler, stein, etc. Entries must be original works no larger than 10 in. tall and 7 in. wide, created within the last five years, and not previously exhibited at The Mikhail Zaikin Gallery. All work must be available for sale–gallery takes a commission of 35%. Fee: $35. Juried from digital. Juror: Bruce Dehner. Contact Eileen Sackman, The Art School at Old Church and Mikhail Zakin Gallery, 561 Piermont Road, Demarest, NJ 07627; eileen@tasoc.org; 201-767- 7160; tasoc.org/submissions.
regional exhibitions
January 15, 2025 entry deadline
Massachusetts, Lexington “The State of Clay 13th Biennial Ceramic Exhibition” (May 3–June 1, 2025). Open to all ceramic artists over the age of 18, who have current or former ties to Massachusetts through work or residency. The aim of the show is to broaden public awareness of contemporary ceramic art and to provide a venue for Massachusetts clay artists. Work must have been completed within the last three years and must not have been previously displayed in a State of Clay exhibit. Accepted artwork must be for sale. Fee: $35. Juried from digital. Juror: Martha Grover. Contact Lexington Arts and Crafts Society, 130 Waltham Street, Lexington, MA 02421; thestateofclay@gmail.com; stateofclay.com or lexart.org.
January 15, 2025 entry deadline
Wisconsin, Fond du Lac “Wisconsin Visual Artists: Perspectives 2025” (March 28–May 9, 2025). Open to artists over the age of 18, who are Wisconsin residents and members of the WVA. Work must have been completed within the last two years and must be an original work.$1750 in awards will be granted. Fee: $20 for the first entry, $10 each for second and third entries. Juried from digital. Jurors: Kate Mothes and Fred Stonehouse. Contact Ally Wilber, Wisconsin Visual Artists, PO Box 250699, Milwaukee, WI 53225; director@wisconsinvisualartists.org; wisconsinvisualartists.org.
January 17, 2025 entry deadline
Pennsylvania, Harrisburg “Art of the State 2025” (June 8–September 14, 2025). Open to Pennsylvania residents over the age of 18. Work must have been completed within the last three years and must be an original work. Fee: $30 for four entries. Juried from digital. Jurors: Brenton Good, Shin-hee Chin, Lauren Whearty, and Denise Ryner. Contact The State Museum of Pennsylvania, 300 North Street, Harrisburg, PA 17120; ra-phartofthestate@pa.gov; 717-772- 2840; statemuseumpa.org/artofthestate.
January 25, 2025 entry deadline
North Carolina, Calabash “Fired: Artistry in Clay” (March 15–April 19, 2025). Open to all ceramic artists over the age of 18, who reside in North or South Carolina. Fired is a show and sale of all things ceramic. Clay is a material with infinite possibilities. This show seeks to explore what NC and SC artists are doing with it. Functional and non-functional pottery are eligible. Everything from traditional to contemporary techniques are welcome. The only requirements are that of size and quality. Accepted artwork must be for sale and made within the last three years. Fee: $35. Juried from digital. Contact Sunset River Gallery, 10283 Beach Dr SW, Calabash, NC 28467; info@sunsetrivergallery.com; 910-575-5999; sunsetrivergallery.com.
fairs, festivals, and more
January 15, 2025 entry deadline
Kansas, Topeka “Public Art installations at the State of Kansas Docking Center.” Open to all artists over the age of 18. Seeking proposals for two concurrent public art projects (one indoor and one outdoor) that reflect the unique character and spirit of Kansas while engaging viewers with its creativity, innovation, and artistic excellence. While there are no residency requirements for applicants, proposals that reflect the region’s cultural identity are a priority. Proposals will be juried based on their artistic merit, conceptual clarity, feasibility, durability, and experience. No fee. Juried from digital. Contact Margaret Weisbrod Morris, State of Kansas; dockingbuilding.publicart@gmail.com; 785-218-3707;
February 3, 2025 entry deadline
Pennsylvania, Lititz “Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsmen Summer Fine Craft Fair” (June 21-22, 2025). Open to all artists over the age of 18. Submissions representing the finest fine art and fine craft are welcome. You do not need to be a member of the Guild, nor do you have to be a Pennsylvania resident, to participate. Application fee: $30; Booth fees range from $295-790. Juried from digital. Contact Aviva Brandt Foster, Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsmen, 335 N. Queen Street, Lancaster, PA 17603; shows.pacrafts@gmail.com; 717-431-8706; pacrafts.org.
February 28, 2025 entry deadline
Michigan, Ludington “West Shore Art Fair” (July 5–6, 2025). Now in its 57th year, the WSAF is known as one of the top fine art fairs in the State of Michigan, featuring 100 plus jury-selected fine artists across a variety of media. This open-air, juried fine art and fine crafts show is managed by the Ludington Area Center for the Arts, a community arts organization that cultivates access to arts and culture in West Michigan. Open to all artists over the age of 18. Submissions must be the work of exhibiting artists. Fee: $40; booth fees $275–550. Juried from digital. Contact West Shore Art Fair, c/o Ludington Area Center for the Arts, 107 S. Harrison St., Ludington, MI 49431; info@ludingtonartscenter.org;
231-845-2787; ludingtonartscenter.org/west-shore-art-fair.
March 21, 2025 entry deadline
Arkansas, Bentonville “Bentonville Fine Art Festival” (May 31-June 1, 2025). The Bentonville Fine Art Festival will boast the talents of local, regional, and national artists displaying their original artwork in all fine art and fine craft mediums. Open to all artists over the age of 16. Submissions must be the work of exhibiting artists, not the work of mass production studios, organizations, or groups. No imports, no commercial, and no purchase for resale work. Fee: $25; booth fees $350–550. Juried from digital. Contact Ronda Mills, P.O. Box 7163, Siloam Springs, AR 72761; arkansasartshows@att.net; 479-215-7978; arkansasartshows.com and zapplication.org/event-info.php?ID=12557.
Unfamiliar with any terms in this article? Browse our glossary of pottery terms!
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