at Oxford Ceramics Gallery ( in Oxford, England, through November 22.
1 Shoji Hamada’s Okinawa bowl, 9 in. (23 cm) in diameter, stoneware, cream glaze with Okinawan enamels, 1950s. 2 Bernard Leach’s boney pie dish, 7¾ in. (20 cm) in diameter, earthenware, slip-trailed decoration, 1920s.
Schema: A Journey Through Traditional Patterns and Imagery
at Belger Crane Yard Gallery ( in Kansas City, Missouri, through January 23, 2016.
1 Melanie Sherman’s platter with deer, clouds, fish, antlers, eggshells, and flowers, 16 in. (40 cm) in diameter, porcelain, glaze, overglaze, gold luster, found objects, 2015. Photo: EG Schempf.
Asia in Amsterdam
at Rijksmuseum ( in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, through January 17, 2016.
1 Sweetmeat set with the coat of arms of Johannes Camphuys, Jingdezhen, China, 14 in. (36 cm) in diameter, porcelain, 1671–90. Courtesy of the Peabody Essex Museum. Photo: Dennis Helmar.2 Majolica dish, earthenware, majolica, ca. 600 CE.
1 Bradley Keys’ Topographic–Windmill Series, 17 in. (43 cm) in diameter, stoneware, glaze, electric fired to cone 6, 2015.
RE-MADE: Contemporary Approaches to Factory Ceramics
at the American Museum of Ceramic Art ( in Pomona, California, through December 27.
1 Cynthia Consentino’s Baby Blues (Bluebirds), 7½ in. (19 cm) in height, altered commercial figurine, mixed media, 2015.2 Debra Broz’s Dressage Horses, modified vintage ceramic figurines, mixed media, 2015.3 Blechmeki’s Tableau 12i, 3 ft. 9 in. (1.2 m) in length, photograph of ceramic figurines, 2015.4 From left to right: Cynthia Consentino’s Bird Mary II, Winged Madonna II, vessel, Dog Mary II, and Cartoon Mary, to 14 in. (37 cm) in height, porcelain, 2015. Photo: Bob Benns.
Out of the Labyrinth: Contemporary Mexican Ceramics
1 Xawery Wolski’s Vestido Crudo, 6 ft. 6 in. (2 m) in height, ceramic, 2014.
Artifice of Nature
at Houston Center for Contemporary Craft ( in Houston, Texas, through December 27.
1 Susan Beiner’s Synthetic Reality, porcelain, foam, wood panels, 2008.2 Susan Beiner’s Synthetic Reality (detail), porcelain, foam, wood panels, 2008.
Seagrove Area Potters Association—collaborative auction at the “Celebration of Seagrove Potters,” Historic Luck’s Cannery with related events
at various Seagrove Area Potters Association shops (, in Seagrove, North Carolina, November 20–22, 2015.
1 Hitomi Shibata, Studio Touya, and David Stuempfle’s platter, 18 in. (46 cm) in diameter, stoneware, sliptrailing, brushwork, wood fired, 2015.2 Frank Neef and Paul Ray’s carved platter, 15 in. (38 cm) in diameter, 2015.3 Daniel Johnston and Matthew Kelly’s gourd bottle, wheel thrown, salt glazed, wood fired, 2015. 3–5 Photos: Lindsey Lambert.
Subscriber Extras: Exposure 2015 Extra images
Schema: A Journey Through Traditional Pattern and Imagery,
at Belger Crane Yard Studios ( in Kansas City, Missouri, October 2, 2015–January 23, 2016.
1. Melanie Sherman’s Vase with Koi, 26 in. (66 cm) in length, porcelain, glaze, luster, mixed media, and found objects, 2015. Photo: EG Schempf. 2. Meleanie Sherman’s Cups in a Baby Lamb Carcass, porcelain, glaze, overglaze, gold luster, and found objects, 2013. Photo: EG Schempf.3. Meleanie Sherman’s Cup with Fish, Knife, Horsehair, porcelain, glaze, overglaze, gold luster, and found objects, 2013. Photo: EG Schempf.
RE-MADE: Contemporary Approaches to Facotry Ceramics,
at The American Museum of Art (, in Pomona, California, through December 27, 2015.
1. Blechmeki’s Tableau 20c, ceramic, 2015.2. Debra Broz’s Hybrid Bloom, 8 in. (20 cm) in height, ceramics, epoxy, acrylic, 2013. Photo: Rebecca L. Marino. 3. Cynthia Consentino’s Dog Mary II and Cartoon Mary, up to 5¾ in. (15 cm) in height, porcelain, 2015. Photo: Bob Benns.
1. Barb Tipton’s Traveling (Under Uncertain Skies), 10½ in. (27 cm) in height, handbuilt, ceramic, glazes, decals, 2015.2. Ed Bamiling’s Whimsy Cup A, 5 in (13 cm) in length, paper clay, glaze, raku fired, 2015. Photo: Willock & Sax Gallery. 3. Lisa McGrath’s High Tea Cup and Saucer, 8 in. (20 cm) in height, handpainted stoneware, 2015. 4. Mindy Andrews’ Tree Block with Stump Cups, 8½ in. (22 cm) in height, handpainted porcelain, 2015.
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West Meets East: Bernard Leach and Shoji Hamada
at Oxford Ceramics Gallery ( in Oxford, England, through November 22.
Schema: A Journey Through Traditional Patterns and Imagery
at Belger Crane Yard Gallery ( in Kansas City, Missouri, through January 23, 2016.
Asia in Amsterdam
at Rijksmuseum ( in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, through January 17, 2016.
The Makings VI
at Willock & Sax Gallery ( in Banff, Alberta, Canada, November 1–30.
Topographic–Bradley Keys
at Willock & Sax Gallery (, in Banff, Alberta, Canada, November 1–30.
RE-MADE: Contemporary Approaches to Factory Ceramics
at the American Museum of Ceramic Art ( in Pomona, California, through December 27.
Out of the Labyrinth: Contemporary Mexican Ceramics
at Northern Clay Center ( in Minneapolis, Minnesota, through November 8.
Artifice of Nature
at Houston Center for Contemporary Craft ( in Houston, Texas, through December 27.
Seagrove Area Potters Association—collaborative auction at the “Celebration of Seagrove Potters,” Historic Luck’s Cannery with related events
at various Seagrove Area Potters Association shops (, in Seagrove, North Carolina, November 20–22, 2015.
Subscriber Extras: Exposure 2015 Extra images
Schema: A Journey Through Traditional Pattern and Imagery,
at Belger Crane Yard Studios ( in Kansas City, Missouri, October 2, 2015–January 23, 2016.
RE-MADE: Contemporary Approaches to Facotry Ceramics,
at The American Museum of Art (, in Pomona, California, through December 27, 2015.
The Makings IV
at Willock & Sax Gallery (, in Banff, Alberta, Canada, November 1–30, 2015.
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