All recipes are displayed as ratios, unless "in parts" is included in the recipe. You can adjust the recipe for larger or smaller batches by adjusting the total below the recipe. For example, for a 10,000-gram batch, put “10,000” in the box. Have more questions? View our help page here or watch a video tutorial here


Ingredient Amount
Wollastonite 26.47
ferro frit 3124 35.29
EPK Kaolin 19.61
Calcined Kaolin 13.73
silica 4.90
Add Amount
best-black-mason-stain 2.94
sage-mason-stain 1.96


I use this recipe as a background glaze. I originally found this glaze on DigitalFire ( when searching for matte glazes. It is a lovely surface but can be a little sensitive to application; if applied too thick, it blisters. This is a great base for adding color. Note that I use a black and sage green Mason stain together in the glaze, which will have a greenish tint on white clay but not on the red clay that I use. There is also a very high percentage of clay in this recipe, so I add more water than I do for most glazes at 80–85% hydration.  


This recipe was shared by Ruth Easterbrook in the May 2022 issue of Ceramics Monthly