Shaner's Clear Glynnis Lessing

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Originally, this recipe came from Lillstreet Studios in Chicago, Illinois. This is a nice, easy to work with glaze that can be thinned, doesn’t show minor flaws like drips, and travels well unfired as it has a hard (not powdery, flaky) dried surface.
Fits cone-10 porcelain, B-clay, and stoneware. It can be fired in either oxidation or reduction but with reduction, it takes on a slight blue cast, which I really like. This glaze tends to absorb iron, so it can eradicate an image or pattern if you put it over a red iron–based slip or oxide.
This glaze mixes very nicely if slaked overnight. I apply the glaze by dipping my pots. I rinse each piece in water—not soaking it—and immediately dip it in the glaze. This gives me a very thin, even coat. I use a green scrubby lightly to remove drips after the glaze has dried. If I have a huge piece, I use a mouth-blowing sprayer. This glaze works very well using that method too. I also can apply it by brush to fix flaws. Please note, if you apply this too thickly, microbubbles will make it appear milky.
This recipe was shared by Glynnis Lessing in the December 2023 issue of Ceramics Monthly.
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