
Ingredient Amount
Talc 40.00
Nepheline Syenite 10.00
kentucky-om-4-ball-clay 40.00
Silica 10.00
Add Amount
Zircopax 7.00


Mix and sieve. Allow to sit 24 hours. I like to mix with enough water that it flows and brushes smoothly. Apply to leather-hard clay. A first layer will be transparent, and a second is more opaque. I apply slip in an intentional pattern and like the surface a brush makes. In this piece (2), I applied a scalloped circular layer is using a soft medium-sized fan brush. Once the first layer lost its shine, I applied a second layer, mimicking the first layer to emphasize the pattern. Underglazes were applied after the slip became leather hard. 

This recipe was shared by Christy Culp in the October 2023 issue of Ceramics Monthly.