
Ingredient Amount
Dolomite 10.00
Talc 8.00
Whiting 7.00
Silica 30.00
Nepheline Syenite 45.00
Add Amount
Tin Oxide 1.00
Bentonite 3.00


I thin this glaze with water and apply it using a gravity-feed spray gun. I spray 3–4 thin coats of glaze onto the surface of each piece. By spraying multiple thin coats, I can preserve the finer details on the surface. I often fire this glaze to cone 10 in a soda kiln with a slight reduction. The outcome can vary from an opaque satin white to light gray and will occasionally have a snowflaking effect. For areas that are sprayed with soda, the glaze becomes glossier and more transparent. 

This recipe was shared by Marissa Childers in the November 2023 issue of Ceramics Monthly.