All recipes are displayed as ratios, unless "in parts" is included in the recipe. You can adjust the recipe for larger or smaller batches by adjusting the total below the recipe. For example, for a 10,000-gram batch, put “10,000” in the box. Have more questions? View our help page here or watch a video tutorial here


Ingredient Amount
Dolomite 15.00
Talc 13.00
Whiting 2.00
Custer Feldspar 20.00
Minspar 200 Feldspar 20.00
Ball Clay 10.00
Silica 20.00
Add Amount
Chrome Oxide 1.00
Cobalt Carbonate 4.50
Mangases Dioxide 2.00
Red Iron Oxide 3.00


This recipe was shared by Alex Thullen in the January 2018 issue of Ceramics Monthly.
This is Val Cushing's classic black stain-matte glaze. It has a beautiful surface texture thin to thick, and applies well if dipped, poured, or sprayed.