
Ingredient Amount
Whiting (Pfizer Vicron 41-8) 11.28
Cornwall Stone 63.90
OM 4 Ball Clay 6.02
Silica 18.80
Add Amount
Red Iron Oxide 9.02
Bentonite 1.50


Published in "Cone 9 Glazes," in the March 2016 issue of Ceramics Monthly.

The piece in the image shown has Turner Temmoku's glaze on porcelain with a wash of iron oxide and water over it.
My Temmoku glaze started with a glaze from the Harrow School of Art in England (their Cornwall 85, Whiting 15 glaze). It requires different amounts of iron for stoneware and porcelain. The Cornwall stone has changed so much that I had to drastically change the glaze, so testing will be necessary.