
Ingredient Amount
Barium Carbonate 2.77
Gerstley Borate 3.95
Magnesium Carbonate 2.77
Whiting (Pfizer Vicron 41-8) 19.76
Custer Feldspar 49.41
EPK Kaolin 1.58
Silica 19.76
Add Amount
Tin Oxide 1.00
Zinc Oxide 1.19
Copper Carbonate 0.45
Bentonite 1.00
Epsom Salts 0.10


Published in "Cone 9 Glazes," in the March 2016 issue of Ceramics Monthly.

High-fire reduction copper red glaze.
Copper red glazes cannot be applied thin. Epsom Salts are added to prevent the glaze from settling.